Ella Davis
Elementary Student
Ella is an elementary school student at Iowa Connections Academy (IACA). She is the youngest of five children, including sisters Madellaine and Moira, also IACA students. The family resides in Hampton, Iowa. Her family chose Connections Academy because they wanted to be involved in Ella's education, and she is thriving in school. Her mother shares her story below:
“Our family decided that IACA was a good choice for us because it offered a balance of guiding the children through their studies from home while also providing state-regulated curriculum and the help and guidance of wonderful and involved teachers. Ella loves art and activities in class. She is also pretty excited that she is learning her numbers and how to read price tags! Ella loves dinosaurs and watching National Geographic documentaries. She also loves the outdoors and taking nature walks."
My favorite things about IACA are doing the art projects and talking to my teacher on the phone.
— Ella